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Small Boats Head
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This is a draft membership form, any data entered will be deleted:
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First name
Name you like to be known as
Last name
My Association with Bluefriars
Please tick all that apply. "Other friend or supporter" is the catch all if nothing else applies.
OM who rowed
OM who rowed at school
Last name at school
Only required if you have changed your last name since leaving MCS
Year left MCS
Last School Year
Year 13 - Upper 6th Form
Year 12 - Lower 6th Form
Year 11 - 5th Form
Year 10 - 4th Form
Year 9 - 3rd Form
Current member of MCSBC in their last term
Current member of MCSBC in their last term
Current member of MCSBC not in their last term
Current member of MCSBC not in their last term
Parent of current member of MCSBC
Parent of current member of MCSBC
Parent of former member of MCSBC
Parent of former member of MCSBC
Current or former coach of MCSBC
Current or former coach of MCSBC
Other friend or supporter
Other friend or supporter
Contact Details
Please enter the name of a Bluefriar who has indicated that you might wish to join.
School Email
NB current pupils should give their school email address unless they are in the last term at Monkton.
Email 2
If you would like to receive communications to a second address
Home Phone
Street 2
If outside the UK
Communication Preferences
Details of rowing events entered by MCSBC
Messages about making donations
Please note that if you are a current donor to Bluefriars funds, and you forget to include "messages about making donations" in your preferences, it will be included for you.
Details of Social events
I am interested in rowing with the Monkton Bluefriars Boat Club
Information Sharing
Please tick to indicate on what occasions you would be happy for your personal information to be shared beyond Bluefriars trustees.
To update Monkton Combe School
e.g. If you update your email address with us, we will pass this information to MCS
With a Bluefriars members organising a social event
Bluefriar's Funding
Bluefriars is a registered charity, its aims include:
The promoting of the physical education and development of the pupils and former pupils of Monkton Combe School, by encouraging and facilitating the sport of rowing through the provision of facilities, equipment and financial support, including sponsorship of individuals or crews training for and participating in competitive events where such individuals or crews represent the School or Monkton Bluefriars Boat Club.
The promoting of the physical education and development of students of such other educational establishments as the trustees shall in their absolute discretion determine, by encouraging and facilitating the sport of rowing through the provision of facilities, equipment and financial support, including sponsorship of individuals or crews training for and participating in competitive events.
When you submit you membership form you will receive details of how you might contribute to the charity's work, membership is free but we hope you might be able support, either now or in the future. In either case it would help make the most of any potential donation by ticking the Gift Aid declaration below.
Gift Aid
I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of lncome Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for the current tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify. I understand the charity will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I have given.
Please notify Bluefriars if you: Want to cancel this declaration; or change your name or home address; or No longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains.
Do NOT tick the Gift Aid declaration if all your donations to Bluefriars are made through CAF, Give as You Earn, etc.
If only some of your donations use Gift Aid, the treasurer of Bluefriars must be made aware of the the status of each donation you make.
Parental Permission
I am happy for my child to join Bluefriars
Parent's Name
Parent's email
A copy of the information entered on this form will be shared with this address.
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