Grant request

We supply grants to help to fund equipment or events if athletes cannot afford to cover the costs themselves. The grant offered will depend on the athletes financial situation.

For GB trialists, we typically offer up to £1,000 per year towards the cost of GB trails.
For other events, we typically offer up to half of the total cost to the athlete.

Many sources of funding are available for athletes and we encourage applicants to contact their school/university, rowing club and other charities if they require financial assistance. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss your options in more detail.

If you would like to request a grant from the Monkton Bluefriars Charitable Trust, please complete the form below.

For athletes, such as GB trialists, please complete one grant request per event/trial.

Grant request

Details of the beneficiary

Details of the grant

Please provide details of the beneficiary's financial and personal circumstances. These will be taken into account when considering the size of the grant
If you would like to know more about who you can contact to apply for other sources of funding, please contact us using the contact page of this website.

Payment details

Please provide the bank details of the event/equipment provider. We can also pay athletes directly, but only if we are given proof of their payment to the event/equipment provider.
Six digit format with no spaces